Thursday, February 26, 2009

2 Months Old

Man does time fly! Brooklyn is now 2 months old and growing like aweed. She is learning so much and it amazes us from day to day. She is such a blessing to all of us, and everyone has been so kind and loving towards her. People are so loving that sometimes its scary to take her into public. She is drawing so much attention that we kinda have to fend off the oddball strangers! No worries Grandma Sue is the worlds best body guard! She always finds time to go with me and Brooklyn when we have things to do, and she has only had to growl at a few people for getting to up close and personal.

This is Brooklyn's favorite thing to do. She loves when her dad holds her and talks to her. She tries so hard to talk back. It is so cute to watch how much effort it takes for her to make one little sound. She is most certainly a daddy's girl!

Friday, February 13, 2009

So you can see my eyes!

Brooklyn and I were visiting Ruthann and fiddling around with her new camera and took this small video of Brooklyn. I thought it would be fun for everybody to get to see her while she is awake. She doesn't do a whole lot but man isn't she cute!